Guidance & labelling for installation
Eurima members have made a voluntary commitment to put clear installation recommendations on all packaging through pictograms. Working with mineral wool products rarely exceeds occupational exposure limits for fibres or dust, but precautions are recommended to make sure installers are fully protected. Pictograms, for instance indicating that protective eyewear should be worn, or to rinse hands in cold water afterwards, ensure that the user is well-informed.
Safe Use Instruction Sheets (SUIS) similar to Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are available from each producer. SUIS ensure that the installation process is safe, clean, and conforms to local regulations, covering aspects such as handling, first aid, and toxicological information.
Transparency & product stewardship programme
Mineral wool is the most-used thermal insulation in the world and our members are committed to supplying products that are safe to use and live with, while providing in-depth health and safety guidance and product transparency.
Our transparency & product stewardship programme provides quality control, in-depth and continuous research and informs consumers and installers how to handle our products responsibly.
All production, building, construction, and renovation sites can be dusty environments where appropriate worker-protection measures are required. Typically, exposure levels to mineral wool insulation are very low – however, wearing protective gear is common sense and we advise workers to wear it to control general dust exposure.
The mineral wool insulation industry continues to invest in continuous technical progress and research to ensure products continue to have a positive impact. The sector is also exploring new frontiers through in vitro studies and monitoring exposure during deconstruction and renovation.