Manufactured according to global standards
Following a comprehensive review of decades of scientific research, the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that mineral wool insulation fibres "are not classifiable as a carcinogen for humans".
The European Union specifies manufacturing conditions which exonerate mineral wool fibres from classification as a possible carcinogen under the 'Note Q' of Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation ((EC) No 1272/2008), which lays down the precise conditions for exoneration from classification as a suspected carcinogen of bio-soluble mineral wool fibres. The EU does not classify mineral wool insulation as an irritant.
There is a perceived discrepancy between these two main bodies. IARC concluded that all mineral wool insulation fibres should not be classified as a suspected carcinogen, while the European Union chose to maintain additional exoneration criteria applying to fibres made to the Note Q specifications in 1997, leading to what is sometimes referred to as ‘old’ and ‘new’ mineral wool.
All Eurima members produce fibres compliant with EU regulation. The overriding scientific findings remain the same for all types of mineral wool – it is safe to use when produced and used as intended.
Mineral wool fibres and the binder substances used in some products are subject to the EU’s REACH regulation, the world’s toughest chemicals regime. To comply, all companies must identify and manage all possible risks linked to the substances they manufacture and market in the EU.