Eurima is the European Insulation Manufacturers Association,
representing the interests of all major European
mineral wool insulation producers.
Established in 1959 to create a favourable business environment for mineral wool insulation and promote improved standards for insulation materials, Eurima is a research-driven organisation whose industry members produce a wide range of mineral wool products for thermal and acoustic insulation, providing fire protection of domestic and commercial buildings and industrial facilities while offering innovative growing media and green-roofing solutions.
Communicating the benefits of mineral wool insulation, Eurima assists its members in fields such as product standardisation and EU-focused issue monitoring and management, helping them to stay informed and contribute to EU affairs relevant to mineral wool insulation products and the industry's licence-to-operate.
Over the years, we have commissioned and produced a breadth of scientific and policy studies on topics relevant to our products, industry and our contribution to society in major policy areas such as climate & energy, sustainable construction, working & installing mineral wool insulation and standardisation.
You can access studies and much more information in our ‘Resources and database’ section.